
Sunday, May 31, 2020

The Rambler, No 191

The Rambler, No. 191. Jan. 14.
Cereus in Vitium fllecti, Monitoribus asper.

To the Rambler.

Dear Mr. Rambler,
     I have been four days confined to my chamber by a cold, which has already kept me from three plays, nine sales, five shows, and four card-tables; and put me seventeen visits behind hand, and the doctor tells my mamma, that if I fret and cry, it will settle in my head, and I shall not be fit to be seen these five weeks. But, dear Mr. Rambler, how can I help it? At this very time Melissa is dancing with the prettiest gentleman in the world, she will breakfast with him to morrow, and then run to two auctions, and hear compliments, and have presents, then she will be drest, and visit, and get a ticket to the play, then go to cards, and win, and come home with two flambeaus before her chair. Dear Mr. Rambler, who can bear it?
     My aunt has just brought me a bundle of your papers for my amusement. She says, you are a philosopher, and will teach me to moderate my desires, and look upon the world with indifference. But what talk is this? I do not wish, nor intend to moderate my desires, nor can I think it proper to look upon the world with indifference, till the world looks with indifference on me. I have been forced, however, to fit this morning a whole quarter of an hour with your paper before my face; but just as my aunt came in, Phyllida had brought me a letter from Mr. trip, which I put within the leaves, and read about absence and inconsolableness, and ardour, and irresistible passion, and eternal constancy, while my aunt imagined I was puzzling myself with your philosophy, and often cried out, when she saw me look confused, "If there is any word that you do not understand, child, I will explain it."
     Poor soul! How old people that think themselves wife may be imposed upon! But it is fit that they should take their turn, for I am sure, while they can keep poor girls close in the nursery, they tyrannize over our understandings in a very shameful manner, and fill our imaginations with tales of terror, only to make us live in quiet subjection, and fancy that we can never be safe but by their protection.
     I have a mamma and two aunts, who have all been formerly celebrated for their beauty, and are still generally admired by those who value themselves upon their understanding, and love to talk of vice and virtue, and beauty and propriety; but if there was not some hope of meeting me, scarcely any  creature would come near them that wears a fashionable coat. These ladies, Mr. Rambler, have had me under their government fifteen years and a half, and have all that time been endeavouring to deceive me by such representations of life as I cannot yet find to be true; but of which I cannot tell whether I ought to impute them to ignorance or malice, as it is possible the world may be much changed since they mingled in general conversation.
     They were very desirous that I should love books, and therefore told me, that nothing but knowledge could make me an agreeable companion to men of sense, or qualify me to distinguish the superficial glitter of vanity from the solid merit of understanding, and that a habit of reading would enable me to fill up the vacuities of life without the help of trivial or dangerous amusements, and preserve me from the snares of idleness and the inroads of temptation.
     But their principal intention seems to have been to make me afraid of men, in which they succeeded so well for a time, that I durst not look in their faces, or be left alone with them in a parlour; for they made me fancy, that no man ever spoke but to deceive, or looked but to allure: that the girl who suffered him who had once squeezed her hand, to approach her a second time, was on the brink of ruin; and that she who answered a billet, without consulting her relations, gave love such power over her, that she would certainly become either poor or infamous.
     From that time my leading-strings were taken off, I scarce ever heard any mention of my beauty but fromo the milliner, the mantua-maker, and my own maid; for my momma never said more when she heard me commended, but "The girl is very well," and then always endeavoured to divert my attention by some enquiry after my needle or my book.
     It is now three months since I have been suffered to enter the world, to pay and receive visits, to dance at public assemblies, to have a place kept for me in the boxes, and to play at lady Racket's rout; and you may easily imagine what I think of those who have so long cheated me with false expectations, disturbed me with fictitious terrors, and concealed from me all that I have yet found to make the happiness of woman.
     I am so far from finding such usefulness or necessity of books as I expected, that if I had not dropped all pretensions to learning I should have lost Mr. Trip, whom I once frighted into another box, by retailing some of Mr. Dryden's remarks upon a tragedy; for Mr. Trip declares that he hates nothing like hard words, and I am sure, there is not a better partner to be found, his very walk is a dance I have talked once or twice among ladies about principles and ideas, but they put their fans before their faces, told me, I was too wife for them, that for their part, they never pretended to read any thing but the play bill, and then asked me the prince of my best head.
     Those vacancies of time which are to be filled with books, I have never yet obtained; for, consider, Mr. Rambler, I go to bed late, and therefore cannot rise early; as soon as I am up, I dress for the gardens; then walk in the park; then always go to some sale or show, or some entertainment at the little theatre; then must be dressed for dinner; then must pay my visits; then walk in the park; then hurry to the play; and from thence to the card-table. This is the general course of my day when there happens nothing extraordinary; but sometimes I ramble into the country, and come back again to a ball; sometimes I am engaged for a whole day, and part of the night. If, at any time, I can get an hour by not being at home, I have so many things to do, so many orders to give to the milliner, so many alterations to make in my cloaths, so many visitants names to read over, so many invitations to accept or refuse, so many cards to write, and so many fashions to consider that I am lost in confusion, forced at last to let in company, or step in my chair, and leave half my affairs to the direction of my maid.
     This is the round of my day, and when shall I either stop my course, or so change it as to want a book? I suppose it cannot be imagined that any of these diversions will be soon at an end. There will always be gardens, and a park, and auctions, and playhouses, and cards; visits will always be paid, and cloaths always be worn; and how can I have any time unemployed upon my hands?
     But I am most at a loss to guess for what purpose they related such tragick stories of the cruelty, perfidy, and artifices of men, who, if they ever were so malicious and destructive, have certainly now reformed their manners. I have not, since my entrance into the world, found one who does not profess himself devoted to my service, and ready to live or die as I shall command him. They are so far from intending to hurt me, that their only contention is, who shall be allowed most closely to attend, and most frequently to treat me; and when different places of entertainment, or schemes of pleasure are mentioned, I can see the eyes sparkle, and the cheeks glow of him whose proposals obtain my approbation; he then leads me off in triumph, adores my descension, and congratulates himself that he has lived to the hour of felicity. Are these, Mr. Rambler, creatures to be feared? Is it likely that any injury will be done me by those who can enjoy life only while I favour them with my presence?
     As little reason can I yet find to suspect them of stratagems and fraud. When I play at cards, they never take advantage of my mistakes, nor exact from me a rigorous observation of the laws of the game. Even Mr. Shuffle, a grave gentleman, who has daughters elder than myself, plays with me so negligently, that I am sometimes inclined to believe he loses his money by design; and yet he is so fond of play, that he says, he will one day take me to his house in the country, that we may try by ourselves who can conquer. I have not yet promised him, but when the town grows a little empty, I shall think upon it, for I want some trinkets to my watch. I do not doubt my luck, but must study some means of amusing my relations.
     For all these, distinctions I find myself indebted to that beauty which I was never suffered to hear praised, and of which, therefore, I did not before know the full value. This concealment was certainly an intentional fraud, for my aunts seem to have eyes like the rest of the world, and I am every day told, that nothing but blindness can escape the influence of my charms. Their whole account of that world which they pretend to know so well, has been only one fiction entangled with another; and tho' the modes of life demand some appearances of respect, I cannot think that they, who have been so clearly detected in ignorance or imposture, have any right to the esteem, veneration, or obedience of,                        Sir, Yours,

The London Magazine, and Monthly Chronologer. Ireland, Edward Ekshaw, 1741.

Hardships of Prisoners- A letter

Mr. Urban,

     I am unhappy person now lying in one of the goals of this kingdom, to which I was committed about ten months past, on an accusation of felony, though entirely innocent, as afterward appeared on my trial, my poverty and want of friends preventing any person, till then, from speaking truth in my favour, and disappointing artifices of a malicious prosecutor.- But the grievance I complain of is not my commitment, for a crime of which I was not guilty, but the tyranny and oppression of the goaler; for, after I had been declared innocent by the jury, and the prosecution discovered to be founded on malice and ill-nature, instead of being immediately discharged, and sent home to pursue that labour by which I had before supported a wife and four small children, I was hurried back to prison, there to lie till I could raise 30 s. to pay the goaler what he calls his fees.- If any situation on earth merits, or any evil merits the attention of the legislature, surely 'tis the case of unhappy prisoners in my circumstances. I have lain here six months, my family starving, my credit and character ruined, and my spirits broken, without out any means of procuring redress against the unjust prosecutor, or any satisfaction for the numerous calamities which he has brought upon me.
     I have heard much talk of the equity of our laws, but surely if they had not been either defective or abused, I should not now suffer, being innocent, without hope of relief.- If goalers must have large salaries for the execution of their office, let the public pay them, and let not the sufferings of the wretched be increased by their rapine and inflexibility. My companions here are debtors, who, that they have either satisfied, or been forgiven by their creditors, cannot obtain their liberty till Mr. Goaler is paid his fees: here therefore they languish many many of them with cold and hunger, and some with infirmity and disease, till death sets them free without fee or reward.

***The order lately made that prisoners acquitted at the Old Bailey should be instantly discharged, is a proof that such an order was deemed equitable and just, and leaves those who have it in their power to render it universal, without excuse, for having neglected to add  so valuable a blessing to his majesty's mild and happy reign.

The London Magazine, and Monthly Chronologer. Ireland, Edward Ekshaw, 1741.

Friday, May 29, 2020

Much Ado: A Dialogue

MUCH ADO: A Dialogue
The Persons.
An old Gentleman. His Friend. Mr.
Johnson. His two Nieces. Veny, a
Lap-dog, &c.

  Old Gent:  Lost, say you?
  Friend:  Ay, Sir, cast away.
  Old Gent:  And no account how?
  Fr.  Not the least. 'Tis agreed on all han, that every soul perished.
  Old Gent:  Well, 'tis a sad affair; but we are all mortal, and-

Enter Nieces

  1st Niece:  Indeed, Madam, said she, if your ladyship will but consider, the flounces are not at all too deep- Lord! Mrs. La Soye, said I, they are too deep by a mile.- Your ladyship, said she, must remember the robeings.- The robeings, Mrs. La Soye, said I-
  Old Gent:  Nieces! Nieces! have you heard the news?
  1st Niece:  What, Sir? What?
  2nd Niece:  Dear uncle, what? I long to hear.
  Old Gent:  The Victory is lost.
  1st Niece:  And who won it, pray?
  Old Gent:  I mean, child, the ship so called is cast away; and in her a gallant admiral, and a thousand brave seamen. - A sad accident! Are you not sorry to hear it?
  1st Niece:  Lord, Sir, you know I am no politician.- I don't understand these matters.
  2nd Niece:  Well, I was always mightily afraid of water. You remember, cousin Jenny, I was once like to be drowned. Lord, what a sweet pair of shoes did I spoil by the wet!
  1st Niece:  You mean when you fell into the great puddle in the Mall.
  2nd Niece:  I do.
  1st Niece:  That was the very morning Mrs. Lay Soye brought home your pink damask.  Captain O Blaze met us, you remember, in blue and silver. No, no; 'twasn't blue neither - 'twas brown, turned up with brocade.
  2nd Niece:  Upon my word he never wore brocade till above a week after.
  1st Niece:  Then it must be the blue and silver.
  2nd Niece:  Stay, let me reflect a little. - (Suddenly Starting)- O lord! Jenny, look! look this moment! Help! help!
  1st Niece:  O! heavens! uncle! uncle! where's my uncle? For God's sake, help! - Poor dear little soul, 'twill be drown'd this very moment; twill be lost this instant.
  2nd Niece:  That odious turkey-cock! Who let him into the garden?
  Old Gent:  Heyday! heyday! what's the matter now?
  1st Niece: Lord, Sir, see - Veny, Sir, - Poor dear Veny - in the canal- frightened in by the turkey-cock.
  2nd Niece: Sweet creature! it can't swim; it never learnt.
  Old Gent:  Tom! Here! - Lend me thy rake.
  Friend:  Look, Sir; look - Miss Jenny faints.
  Old Gent:  Be so kind to dip up a little water, and fling in her face.
  2nd Niece:  Speak, my dear, speak!- Lord! Lord! what have I done with my bottle of salts? I can't find it for my life - Speak, Jenny; speak, my dear! - And poor Veny too! - Mr. Johnson, you are vastly good; for you have thrown a prodigious deal of water upon my cousin.
  Friend:  She is coming, madam, to herself - I believe we have fetch'd her.
  Old Gent:  Well, niece, I have raked himout - Don't be terrify'd - Veny's not drown'd this bout.
  1st Niece:  (recovering herself , and hugging Veny) - Little dear thing! how monstrously 'tis frighten'd? How it pants, and it quakes, and it drops, and it shivers? If it should take cold now, or have fits! - Well, please god, I'll send you to Dr. Slaughter this moment, and have his advice.
  Old Gent:  Come, come, niece, as the danger's over, better take a turn or two in the garden.  A little washing will do the dog no harm - But to return, Mr. Johnson, to the bad news - Don't it make you melancholy, to think on the loss of this brave ship?
  1st Niece:  Don't you shudder, my dear, to think on what might have happened to poor Veny?
  Old Gent:  How was it possible the pilot could be so mistaken?
  1st Niece:  How could Tom be such a wretch, as to let the turkey-cock into the garden? An abominable fellow, to mind nothing in the world but his cucumbers, and his melons, and his trumpery, and not to consider that -
  Old Gent:  Hark! hark! the dinnerbell! - Dinner, nieces! dinner!
  1st Niece:  - Nor to consider that such a great filthy, two-legg'd bird-
  Old Gent:  Dinner, I say! dinner!
  Both Nieces:  Lord, Sir, we are coming.- Would you have us fly?
  Old Gent:  Come along;  come along

[Exeunt omnes]

The London Magazine, and Monthly Chronologer. Ireland, Edward Ekshaw, 1741.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

The Glutton A Tale

The Glutton
A Tale
Unknown Author

A wicked corm'rant who, each meal,
Cou'd eat six pounds of beef or veal,
One ev'ning in a tavern larder,
O which he was a nice regarder,
Fix'd on a bouncing cod his eyes,
Might half a score at least suffice:
Here, cook, let this be ready made
What all, Sir! All, except the head.
It quickly comes in butter swimming
And, troth, he gave it hearty trimming.
But e'er the dish was wholly clean'd,
He puft'd, and swell'd, and backward lean'd.
The waiters though him surely dying,
And send for a physician flying,
He comes, and orders clysters plenty,
Hoping by these his cask to empty;
The cafe, howe'er, seem'd desp'rate still,
So all advis'd - to make his will.
And shall I call a priest? No, lad,
I hope my cafe is not so bad,
And yet I'm somewhat out of breath,
Well- if I needs must yield to death,
To die quite satify'd I'd with,
So - bring the remnant of my fish

The London Magazine, and Monthly Chronologer. Ireland, Edward Ekshaw, 1741.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Six Degrees: Library

I am a Christian. You may wonder why I am bringing it up on this type of blog and that is a fair question. It was reading about Jesus, reading the parables that he told and how they moved people- that gave me a love of stories. I wanted to be able to tell a story that was as meaningful as those He told. And maybe one I will because you are never to old to reach for your dreams. But that isn't what this is about. I love stories and I realized while doing research for this blog and other projects that there are many stories that are going to be lost to time. Stories that were written by authors that weren't as well known as Poe or Dafoe or Dickinson or Melville... You get what I am saying. I want to do something about that. My plan is to set up a second page on this blog as a type of library for short stories, poetry, plays, or other stories that I find on Google Books that are out of copyright and might not be found anywhere else. If anyone wants to help with that- send me a message. Thanks.

Dirty Dancing ---->The Following

A. Dirty Dancing
Summary: This movie was directed by Emile Ardolino, written Eleanor Bergstein, and by produced by Linda Gottlieb. During the summer of 1963, a well to-do Jewish family by the name of Houseman's heading to a resort up in the Catskills called Kellerman's. There were four members of this family Dr Jake Houseman, his wife Marjorie, the older daughter named Lisa, and the 17-year old daughter named Frances or Baby. While there Baby noticed the different treatment the staff got based on their background with the Ivy League students being advised to mingle with the guests while the entertainment was demeaned. An entertainer named Johnny caught Baby's eye. She was briefly introduced to him when she helped his cousin carry a watermelon to a staff party. Later, Baby learned that Johnny's dance partner was in a tough position and stepped up to help her. This led to Baby helping Johnny and Johnny helping her.

Connections: Connections were not very prevalent for this movie. For the connection, I worked to find a fictional relative of one of the characters.

I went with the character named Sidney Schumacher as the last name Schumacher had been used once for every 10000 people. This means that more than likely people with that name were related. Using this information, I'm making the assumption that Dr. Schumacher from Kitty Goes to War was related to the belated Sidney Schumacher. Not much was known about Dr. Schumacher except that she may have worked for the military.

1. Kitty Goes to War
Summary: This book was written by Carrie Vaughn and published by TOR Books. It related the story of Kitty Norville, a werewolf and radio host, who worked with the NIH's Center for Paranatural Biology in order to help 3 military werewolf who were suffering from PTSD and cannot transform. As if that wasn't enough, Kitty was being sued for libel by the CEO of Speedy Mart - Harold Franklin.

Connections: One of my running theories for superheroes of the modern age were that they get their powers from ancestors in the past- unknowingly. For example, a mutant who had ice powers would be descended from a spirit of nature that had to do with ice. Because of this theory I think the ghost witch Amelia Parker may be related to our friendly neighborhood SpiderMan aka Peter Parker.

Now, I don't think that Peter was ever a witch or wizard, just that he had a genetic predisposition for being different (mutant gene) and it was triggered by a spider bite. One of the stories that we find Peter Parker in a game called Spider-Man/X Men Arcade's Revenge

2. Spider-Man/X Men in Arcade's Revenge
Summary: This game was developed by Software Creations and published by Acclaim Entertainment. It was designed as an action game and a platformer. After disarming several bombs around the city, Spider-Man learned that Storm, Wolverine, Gambit, and Cyclops were kidnapped by a villain called Arcade. Spider-Man began tracking down his friends while the X-Men actively freed themselves. They meet up in a large room where they work together to bring down the villain (how its supposed to be). In reality, Spider-Man was used to defeat the villain while the X-Men stand to the side helping on occasion.

Connections: As mentioned above, one of the characters in the game was Wolverine or James "Logan" Howlett.

He was a mutant with the ability to heal himself quickly. This meant that he had been around for a while, but that past was shrouded in darkness. The farthest back he could remember was escaping from Weapon X (which was where he was embedded with adamantium). After leaving Weapon X, he had many adventures including taking part in a Death Battle against Raiden.

3. Death Battle Wolverine vs Raiden
Summary: Death Battle originated on the website ScrewAttack which was created by Craig Skistimas and Thomas Hanley. Later, Death Battle and the ScrewAttack website became property of Rooster Teeth and Let's Play. The hosts of Death Battle were Ben B. Singer and Chad James. For each Death Battle- the hosts chose two fictional characters and had them fight to the death. In this episode they chose X-Men's Wolverine and Metal Gear Solid's Raiden. It seemed to me that the two were chosen to fight against each other because of similar backgrounds. Both men lost one father and gained another. And both men were abducted by secret organizations and experimented on from which Wolverine received an adamantium exoskeleton and Raiden was turned into a cyborg.!_Wiki

Connections: Because Raiden was the only other character portrayed in this episode of Death Battle, he now becomes the next connection in my chain. What do we know about Raiden... Well his real name maybe Jack and he was adopted by Solidus Snake. He was trained to fight under Snake, joined a unit called the Small Boy Unit, and became a killing machine. Later, Jack came to be with the Patriots who turned him into a cyborg. Being a contender on Death Battle was only a side story for him. He could also be found in Metal Gear Solid 4.

4. Metal Gear Solid 4 Guns of the Patriots
Summary: This game was written by Hideo Kojima, developed by Kojima Productions, and published by Konami. It's chaos in this world. Private militaries were used to enforce the peace and handle any terrorist. Five of the largest private militaries were owned by Liquid Ocelot. These private militaries were embedded with nanomachines that not only enhanced their abilities but connected them to the Sons of Patriots network. Liquid Ocelot was aiming to take that system over and Solid Snake was sent to kill him.

Connections: At the beginning of the game, there were 4 different television channels that can be accessed: 15,16, 23, and 42. These channels play specific programs like a cooking show and an interview with David Hayder.
There was something more to those four numbers than just numbers of a TV channel. Those 4 numbers were a fraction of the numbers from Lost. (Excuse me for changing tenses here)
The numbers existing in MGS and in Lost indicate that they were alternate realities of each other. If so and the numbers were broadcasting then whom was the candidate for the island. Probably Solidus. It wouldn't matter if Snake only had a year to live as the island can change the reality within its boundaries. While the numbers aren't seen in the episode Lost LAX 1 & 2. but it was hinted at when Sawyer speaks to Hurley about his lotto ticket.

 5. Lost: LAX 1 & 2 
Summary: This series was created by Jeffrey Lieber, JJ Abrams, and Damon Lindelof. It was produced by Bad Robot, Touchstone and ABC Studios. During this episode, a lot of things happened. First, the Man in Black was confronted by some of the islanders inside the statue, but disappeared. Then, the Monster appeared and killed a few of the islanders. After the battle, the Man in Black reappeared confirming that he was really the Monster. When questioned about what he was- he basically told them islanders that they wouldn't understand and that he just wanted to go home. He left the statue with the islander and spoke to Richard as he wanted, saying he was glad that Richard wasn't in chains any more. Meanwhile Kate and some of the others (Jack, Sawyer, Miles) returned from 1977 to 2007. Quite a few of them were injured, especially Sayid. Hurley stated that they could save him if they take him to Jacob at the Temple. They took him to the Temple and submerged him into the water, but he died, at first, and then woke up. Somehow they flash sideways, showing how Oceanic 815 would've gone if it didn't crash.,_Parts_1_%26_2

Connections: One fictional product existed in Lost universe that also existed in other universes. This product was Morley cigarettes. In this episode of Lost, an advertise for Morley cigarettes when Rose flipped over the magazine she had been reading- it displayed an ad for Morley's with the phrase 'the truth is out there.' In the Criminal Minds episode North Mammon, DNA was found on a Morley cigarette butt.

6. Criminal Minds: North Mammon.
Summary: This series was produced by Mark Gordon and Jeff Davis. It was distributed by CBS Television, Buena Vista Television, Disney ABC, and Disney Media. The story followed the FBI's premier group of criminal profilers who work at the Behavior Analysis Unit (BAU). In this episode, three teenage girl were kidnapped on the night of a pep rally and the BAU traveled to Pennsylvania in order to find them. Once there, the team realized that they have to profile the entire town. Meanwhile, the girls were put in a difficult position by their kidnapper- two of the girls could go free if the third was killed by them.

Connections: One of the members of the BAU team was a man named Dr. Spencer Reid, a genius who held PhD's in mathematics, chemistry, and engineering. He also had multiple BA's in Psychology, Sociology, and Philosophy. And he was also the youngest profiler to work with the BAU.
In a TV series call The Following episode "The Poet's Fire" we find that the second youngest profiler was a man named Mike Weston. Unlike Spencer, he didn't seem to be a genius though he was described as being tech savvy and it was stated he studied political science.

B. The Following: Poet's Fire
Summary: This episode was created by Kevin Williamson, produced by Kevin Williamson and Marcos Siega, and distributed by Outerbanks Entertainment and Warner Bros Television. Ryan Hardy and his team were hunting notorious serial killer Joe Carroll. It was soon discovered that Carroll gathered around a group of acolytes.And some of them have even kidnapped his son, Joey. By the time of this story, five of the acolytes have been captured and a sixth one just made himself known. This new acolyte wore a Edgar Allan Poe mask and set a man on fire. They found out later that the man who died was a critic of  Carroll's. Meanwhile, the Joey's kidnapper were beginning to argue among themselves.

Buy me a coffee

Friday, May 22, 2020

Team Fortress 2 ---> The Play that Goes Wrong

A. Team Fortress 2
Summary: This game was a multiplayer first-person shooter game developed and published by Valve. this tory/game took place mid 1950s and centered around two feuding brothers who hired mercenaries to destroy their each others companies while protecting their own. These mercenary groups, for the purposes of the game, were named after the respective companies that employed their services: Reliable Excavation & Demolition or RED and Builders League United or Blu. Each group of mercenaries was made up one of nine classes: Scout, Soldier, Pyro, Demoman, Heavy, Engineer, Medic, Spy, and Sniper.

Connections: I chose this game because of Scout.

Whenever Scout drank a can of crit a cola his speed was set 167% of the base speed- that was of course as long as his speed stat wasn't already max out.

Craft recipes for game items were made up of things that wouldn't normally make up a drink, such as a token, scrap metal, or radiation but they can hint at what the drink really contained. First, most liquid have a base of water. And second, it had to do with metal and radiation. That led me to think of deuterium. Deuterium was a stable isotope of hydrogen that can be used in nuclear reactors in the form of heavy water.
With that in mind, I was thinking that somehow the Team Fortress 2 universe accidentally discovered the speed formula that gave Jay Garrick powers and tested it on Scout. Now, who was Garrick- he was the first iteration of the speedster hero known as the Flash.

1. The Flash #1
Summary: This comic was created by Gardner Fox and Harry Lampert for DC Comics. In this story, Jay Garrick was at University running an experiment in regards to hard water. When the beakers containing hard water fall, Garrick was effected by the gas emanating from the containers. This gas effected Jay by giving him the ability to run at or near the speed of light. Being able fast allowed Jay to save his girlfriend Joan from almost getting hit by a car and rescuing her father when he was abducted by the 'faultless four.'

Connections: As was clearly seen in the above pictures of Jay Garrick, he wore a pair of blue pants sometime s with a lightning bolt on them and a red top of lightening bolt on the chest. The most iconic portion of his outfit was the helmet with the lightning bolts on the side. Why was this important? Because in the movie Batman Returns, at the masquerade, we see someone dressed up as the Flash. This means that the speedster superhero was the speedster superhero most well known in that universe.

2.Batman Returns
Summary: This 1992 file was directed by Tim Burton and distributed by Warners Bros. Oswald Cobblepot aka Penguin returned to Gotham in order to be avenged for being abandoned. First thing he did was to grab crooked businessman  and blackmail him Max Shreck into helping. I'm sure Shreck was okay with this as it would give him cover with his own nefarious plan. This didn't help Selina Kyle, Shreck's secretary because when she found out and confronted Shreck, she was pushed out of a window. Selina survived the fall and vowed revenged dressing up in a catsuit and calling herself Catwoman. In the meantime, Oswald introduced himself to Gotham by rescuing the mayor's baby. Bruce Wayne/Batman was suspicious of both men  After some investigation (finding out about the Red Triangle Gang) and speaking with Selina Kyle/Catwoman- he realized that his suspicions were correct. Batman/Bruce Wayne and Catwoman/Selina Kyle team up against the Penguin and Shreck.

Connections: We all know that Batman defended the Gotham City. Gotham City didn't just exist in the Batman Universe.

Either the same city or an alternate version of Gotham can be seen throughout the multiverse. An example of the this can be seen in an episode of Sabrina The Teenage Wtich called "No Place Like Home." In the story, Hilda and Zelda were turned into penguins. Hilda then asked Zelda if she wanted to wreak havoc in Gotham.

3. Sabrina The Teenage Witch: No Place Like Home
Summary: This show was created by Nell Scovell, produced by Paula Hart, and distributed by CBS Television. It starred Melissa Joan Hart as Sabrina Spellman who was a teenage girl that discovered she was a witch. In this particular episode turned 18 years old and her father invited her to live with him in Paris.At first, Sabrina said no because at home have been going well for her: Libby went to boarding school, Valerie planned to stay with her, and Mr. Kraft wasn't going to be the vice-principal. Sabrina's luck seemed to change. It turned out Valeria wasn't going to stay with her and that Mr. Kraft was going to the principal instead. To top it off, a friend of Harvey's just didn't like her. All of this caused Sabrina to move in with her father in Paris. It took Salem starting a war with Pluto to bring Sabrina home.

Connections: The Sabrina in the television series lived in a city called Westbridge.

Another version of Sabrina lived in a town called Greendale and she would chum around with teens from other towns. One prime example of this was found in the comic Archie Happy 300.

4. Archie # 300 Party of the First IV
Summary: This comic was drawn by Dan DeCarlo and written by Frank Doyle. I don't know much about this story, save for the little bit I have read online, but I will explain what I've put together. It's a special day for Archie but it seems that all his friends have forgotten about it and were acting weird. Archie went home and found a note telling him to go to the gym at 8pm. Upon arriving at the gym, he discovered that his friends hadn't forgotten about this special day rather they were planning a celebration in his honor.

Connections: Some of the celebrants at Archie's party include: Alex McCoy, Melody Valentine, Alan Mayberry, Alexander Cabot III, Alexandra Cabot, and Valerie Brown. This group of people were not only Archie's friend, but members of the band Josie and the Pussycats. Josie and the Pussycats were famous in their own rights and could be found in a cartoon called Josie and the Pussycats.

5. Josie and the Pussycats

Summary: This series was created by Dan DeCarlo and Richard Goldwater. It was produced by Hanna Barbera Productions. Josie McCoy was the main character of the show and she had a dream. She wanted to be a world famous rock star. To reach her dream, she got a band together consisting of her, Melody Valentine, and Valerie Brown and with them won the Rockland County's Battle of the Bands. Now they travel the world playing gigs and having exciting adventures.

Connections: As I said in a previous post, two members of the band were Alexandra and Alexander Cabot III. They don't play instruments or sing but they do manage band activities or at least Alexander does. The two were twins and rich, a bit flamboyant, and temperamental (Alexandria more so than Alexander).

And now here's where I have to make some assumptions. I think that these two characters were related to John Cabot from Eight Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: Case of the Vampires Mark. John Cabot, I think exemplifies some of the darker characteristics of the twins. They were all shifty and scheming. John Cabot had an knowledge of vampire lore and Alexandra demonstrated witchcraft on occasion.

6. Eight Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: Case of the Vampires Mark
Summary: It was written by Bill Crider and published by Crossroad Press. The main characters in the story I am looking at were Sherlock Holmes, John Watson, and Bram Stoker went to 221B Baker Street to request Sherlock's help in a case having to do with a possible vampire mark on a little boy. This was believed because the people in the household were from Transylvania and steeped in the old legends. But the person behind the crime new this staged and preyed upon their beliefs. Sherlock deftly uncovered the truth and the criminal exposed.

Connections: To move from this point, I am using Dr. John Watson.  

He trained as a doctor and served in a war, but when his health turned for the worse- John retired. When he went looking for a flat to share, he met Sherlock and found they clicked. It took some time, but Watson eventually discovered that Sherlock was a consulting detective and thought it might  be a good idea to document his work. Not that I'm saying Watson was in anyway dumb as he was a doctor, but when compared to Sherlock- Watson seemed a bit obtuse. And it's because of this I believe that Trevor Watson from The Play That Goes Wrong may be related to John Watson. Trevor Watson like John was a serious person who did his job well. And sometimes Trevor will miss a cue just like sometimes John would miss clues. Trevor fixed the set like Dr. Watson would heal a patient. If I haven't said enough to convince you- I don't know what else well.

B. The Play That Went Wrong
Summary: Mischief Theatre was a British Theatre Company that specialized in comedy. The artistic directors of the troupe were three men by the names of Henry Lewis, Jonathan Sayer, and Henry Shields. In The Play That Went Wrong, Cornley Polytechnic Drama Society set about putting on a play called The Murder at Haversham Manor written by Susie HK Brideswell. Unfortunately for them, things start going wrong even before the curtain rises. From then on, actors forget their lines, miss cues, and were even knocked out. The plays ending really brought the house down.

Buy me a coffee

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Six Degrees Around Lumpy Rugs

May 3 was the National Lumpy Rug Day and according to the National Day website there are two ways to celebrate this day. The first way is by appreciating our rugs. We can do this by keeping them clean and smooth. Or we could use the rugs to cover our secrets and dirt. However we celebrate this day- it's really up to the individual.

Lumpy Rugs

1. Old Money
Summary: This book was written by David Walks As Bear and published by Whiskey Creek Press.Whiskey Press was a part of the publishing company called Simon and Schuster. Tribal Officer Ely Stone searched for clues leading to a lost Mark Twain Manuscript that may contain a map to treasure. From Michigan to Hawaiian waters, Stone traveled to chasing mystery and to right the wrongs of the past.

Commentary:  In this story a character named Stan Stevens killed an intruder he found in his hotel room. Stevens had to dispose of the body and so...pulled out a rug.

2. Assassin's Creed Origins
Summary: This was a video game produced by Martin Schelling and published Ubisoft. If you ever wanted to know the Origins of the Assassin organization- this was it. The first assassin was a Medjay named Bayek. In 49 BC- Bayek and his son Khemu were abducted by some mysterious men in order to open a secret vault. After the vault was opened, there was a struggle and in the confusion- Bayek killed Khemu. Of course, Bayek blamed the mysterious men for his sons death and vowed to track them down. And a year later, that was what Bayek did.

Commentary: At some point in the game, Cleopatra would like to speak with Julius Caesar, but she had to get past Ptolemy's guards. Bayek and his wife Aya assisted her by carrying her in a rolled up rug, sneaking by the guards.

3. The Punisher
Summary: This film was directed by Jonathan Hensleigh and distributed by Lionsgate Films. Frank Castle's family was murdered by Howard Saint in retaliation for the death of his son Bobby Saint. Howard Saint believed Frank was dead, but he survived being nursed back to health by a local fisherman. When Frank had recovered he found out that the FBI and police weren't going to go after Howard Saint because of his connections. Castle was upset and with the help of Mickey Duka (a disgruntled minion of Saints), he decided to go after Saint himself. And he does. He got his revenge with the intention of killing himself, not want to live without his family. Instead, he continued fighting crime as the vigilante known as the Punisher.

Commentary:  In this movie, Howard Saint wasn't afraid of killing anyone. He killed the guy he suspected of sleeping with his wife and wrapped him in a rug

4. Xena: Warrior Princess
Summary:  This tv series was produced by Robert Tapert and Sam Raimi and distributed by NBCUniversal Television Distribution. Lucy Lawless starred as the heroine of the series. In season five, episode 18- Rome was on the brink of war. Antony and Brutus fought over power. And a snake killed Cleopatra while she was bathing. Before she died, she sent a note to Xena and Gabrielle asking for help . Xena and Gabrielle hopped on the next boat and set out for Egypt.

Commentary: When Xena arrived in Egypt she made contact with Marc Antony. She dressed up as Cleopatra, wrapped herself in a rug, and had it sent to Antony.

5. Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan
Summary:  This series was written by Hirohiko Araki and published by Shueisha. Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan was a series of one -shots featuring Kishibe Rohan from the Jojo series. Episode 2: Mutsu-Kabe Hill. Rohan met with his editor trying to get an advance on his one-shot based on a yokai legend. The story that he heard was about a girl Naoko Osato and her lover Gunpei. One day, Naoko and Gunpei met. Naoko broke up with the boy as she was about to marry someone else. Gunpei was upset and tried to intimidate her, but during the fight- he fell down and broke his crown. He began to bleed and wouldn't stop. The girl started drinking the blood and kept doing so.

Commentary:  In order to keep drinking the blood, Naoko wrapped Gunpei's body in a rug and hid it on top of an armoire.

6. The Exasperating Cadaver
Summary: Author Jack Vance wrote science fiction stories set in the future with a dying earth setting. It spawned an RPG called the Dying Earth RPG. One of the stories set in the Dying Earth RPG was a story called In the Footstep of Fools written by Ian Thomson. The Exasperating Cadaver was the 6th episode in that series. It used to be found on the Dying Earth website but now is found here:  The story took place in Kaiin. In the beginning, the player character was set upon by brigands who took everything. I'm assuming this forced the character into a position where they would have to deliver packages all across the city.

Commentary: I chose this because one of the packages the player character had to deliver was a body wrapped in a rug.

Friday, May 8, 2020

The Amazing Spider-Man/Guardians of the Galaxy---->The Testaments

A. The Amazing Spider-Man/Guardians of the Galaxy
Summary: Brian Michael Bendis, Nick Spencer, Mike O'Sullivan, and
Gerry Duggan wrote this comic book. Rod Reis, Marcus To, Aaron Kuder, Mike Hawthorne, Frazer Irving, Roland Boschi, Valerio Schiti, Greg Smallwood, and Ryan Ottley illustrated the story. Unfortunately, the two stories were unconnected and for the purpose of this blog- I'm only going to discuss the Guardians of the Galaxy story. Now, it wasn't as much a story as it was filler. Most of the exposition covered, more than likely, events that happened off panel which lead up to the "Infinity Watch" storyline.

Connections: One of the reasons I went with the Guardians of the Galaxy half of the comic book was because of the mentions of the nega-bands. The Supremor of the Kree created these artifacts to use the wielders psychic powers as well as harnessing the forces of the Negative Zone. More information about them can be found here- if you want to know. 

The Supremor of the Kree created these artifacts to use the wielders psychic powers as well as harnessing the forces of the Negative Zone. What was the negative zone?

Apparently, it's another universe with characteristics distinguishing if from ours. First, it's composed of anti-matter so anyone that jumps universe had to switch polarity or die. Second, it's a mature universe that was contracting. Third, time passes faster. And lastly, much of the Negative Zone was uninhabited. Now, I'll stop beating around the bush- the reason I bring this up because I believe the Negative Zone and Negaverse from Darkwing Duck were the same. I do have reasons why I believe this to be true. First according to the wiki about the Negaverse, it had "a destructive atmosphere that is almost impossible to counter." Though, by that it could mean that it's only inhabited by really bad people, but that may not be the only meaning. It didn't get into the science, but it did make the point of telling us that everything the Negaverse was the reverse or anti- of the regular universe.

1. Darkwing Duck
Summary: This cartoon was created by Tad Stones and produced by Walt Disney Television Animation. Jim Cummings, Christine Cavanaugh , and Terry McGovern voiced the characters Drake Mallard/Darkwing Duck, Gosalyn Mallard, and Launchpad McQuack. This story took place in alternate universe where animals lived as humans. Drake Mallard was a regular, unassuming duck who lived a regular, unassuming suburban life. The only difference was that on his downtime, Drake Mallard worked as Darkwing Duck, a masked crime-fighter. Assisting him in his fight were Gosalyn and Launchpad, his adopted daughter and his friend.
Connections:  When Drake Mallard was alerted to a crime, he went to his secret lair. Now, in order to get into his secret lair he had to set in a chair and touch a statue.  

The Great Mouse Detective. The statue he touched was in the image of Basil the great mouse detective. A movie of, at least, one of Basil's escapades exist in a movie called

2. The Great Mouse Detective
Summary: Ron Clements, Burny Mattinson, Dave Michener, and John Musker directed this movie. It was released by Disney Pictures. The year was 1897 and a young mouse named Olivia wandered around London searching for Basil, the great mouse detective, to help find her father. Olivia was lost until she met Dr. David Q Dawson who then escorted her to Basil. After hearing Olivia's story, Basil agreed to help her. Basil, David, and Olivia head off battling villains to rescue Olivia's father.

Connections: Basil was a mouse detective who lived in London in the late 1800s and early 1900s. He was smart and had a knack for the sciences. He also picked up his habits from his neighbor. The mouse dressed the same way as his famous neighbor as well as being able to play a violin. Who was his famous neighbor? Sherlock Holmes of course!

Sherlock Holmes was a human detective who had above excellent observation skills. He also had a very broad base of knowledge in the sciences from chemistry to mindfulness.  Holmes was also a master of disguise and a decent fighter. The master detective had appeared in many different types of media from books to poems. Apparently, the case that Basil was working on was either concurrent to or overlapping with a case of Sherlock's called The Sign of Four.

3. Sign of Four
Summary: This story was written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and published by Lippincot's Monthly Magazine. In 1888, a young lady Mary Morstan went to 221B street to meet with Sherlock Holmes and his assistant John Watson. Her father disappeared ten years earlier and then 6 years ago she started receiving a pearl a year. And with the last pearl she also received a letter asking for a meet. Mary asked Sherlock to help her with this meeting. Sherlock, Mary, and John met with Thaddeus Sholto, a late friend of Mary's father and from there they begin to uncover a plot dating back to the Indian Revolt of 1857.

Connections: As I said above, Mary Morstan was a client of Sherlock Holmes.

 She was described as a small dainty blonde. Her mother died at a young age and her father sent her to England to be educated. With her father disappearing in 1878 and had no other family, she raised herself with the help of her teachers. In the future, she married John Watson after falling in love with him during the Sign of Four adventure. Still this isn't the only place that Mary Morstan popped in other media. One of these was a pastiche called The Adventure of Dedstone Mill.

4. The Adventure of Dedstone Mill
Summary: This story was written by Denis O Smith and was found in the anthology called The Mammoth Book of the Lost Chronicles of Sherlock Holmes. Sherlock invited himself to dinner at John and Mary Watsons' home in order to invite them to go with on a trip. A little girl named Harriet Borrow wrote to Holmes asking for help as she was in fear of danger to her and her brother's life. The two siblings were left in the care of their uncle but there were strange things afoot.

Connections: In the story, there was a small mention of the vicar of Hembleby. He was a man by the name of Daniel Blanchard. As many of the Sherlock Holmes stories take place in the late 1800s to early 1900s- I would assume that this man would live during this time frame. In the early 1900s, there was an airship captain by the  name of Anne Blanchard. Don't know much about her, just that she was a rum runner during prohibition.

5. Rum Row #1
Summary: This comic was written by Andrew Maxwell and Michele Bandini. It was set during the 1920s during the Prohibition Era. As such, the main character, Anne Blanchard was a rum runner. Anne captained an airship called 'The Duchess' and operated it as a speakeasy. Her job isn't easy as the NYPD had their own airships and they're coming after her.

Connections: Anne Blanchard flew her airship through an expanse that covered parts of New York and Canada called the Rum Row but just outside of the maritime limit of either place.  I found a song describing one of the boats that Rum Row and this song was called the Nellie J Banks.

6. The Nellie J. Banks
Summary:  This song was written by a man named Lennie Gallant. You can find out more about him at the following website. It described a trip of the Nellie J Banks going from St Pierre to Prince Edward Island. The ship was captained by a man named Lillington who edged the boundaries of Rum Row carrying his cargo of rum.
Connections: The ship The Nellie J Banks was a two-masted schooner originally used for fishing, up until 1926. After 1926 it was bought by two men and used for rum running.
 It can also be found in other media namely a book called The Testaments. Instead of running rum, it acted as an escape route for women escaping from the totalitarian/theocratic government that ruled the USA.

B. The Testaments
Summary: This story was written by acclaimed writer Margaret Atwood. It took place 15 years after the events from The Handmaid's Tale and followed the perspectives of three women: Aunt Lydia, Agnes Jemima, and Nicole. Each woman played a part in a revolution against the Gilead government as it broke down. Lydia was a mole, Nicole was a spy, and Agnes was more the every person. Throughout the story, she was the one who saw the lies break down to reveal the truth.